How to add an employee?

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Adding employees to your deductions calculator is simple and fast. Video available.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow the step-by-step guide on how to add an employee to your employee list.

Step 1. Within the Employee Details view, click the Add Employee link.

After clicking the Add Employee link, a new employee row will be added. The row will appear at the end of the list (just above the Add Employee link).

The next time you log in to your account, the new employee will be ordered according to your ordering preferences (either by first name or last name).

Step 2. Fill in the employee details.

As you fill in the employee details like First Name, Last Name..., the system will automatically save your changes. The following fields are necessary for the calculator to generate deductions and taxable benefits:

The first name and last name are not required to produce the report. However, including the employee's full firstname and full last name makes the list and reports easier to read and follow. Ensure also to include the employee's birthday if they are 65 an older as this is often considered the age limit for different types of benefits.

If classes are included, you should select the correct class prior to filling in the remaining fields as certain fields may become available depending on the selected class.
Why does the report show red for a particular employee row?

If the report is showing red for a particular employee row, it means you did not include one of the necessary fields.

To solve the issue, simply click the Employee Details tab and ensure all necessary fields are entered for the problematic employee.


View the following video to see how to add an employee.

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Employee deductions and taxable benefits are simple to calculate when you have the best tools. Vita Assure has you covered.

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